Installation requirement
- Have Bootloader Unlocked
- have TWRP and ROOT installed
- Have an SD CARD or PC memory to transfer the files for the installation.
- The mobile with more than 50% of batteries to avoid blackouts and irreparable damage.
Have a good usb cable.
A PC or laptop at hand.
List of compatible phones
Android 12 / 13
The Linux kernel is the core component of the Android operating system. It is a software program that manages the system’s hardware resources, such as the processor, memory, and input/output devices, and provides a foundation upon which other software programs can run. The Android System runs on top of the Kernel the same way applications run on top of the Android System. Below the Kernel, only the hardware itself.
It should be installed via Recovery (TWRP) or FKM over Stock or GSI ROMS (Android 12 or 13). It doesn’t need any tweaking with any app, just install it and use it.
BUT you can use any kernel tweaking app to change settings.
It has UNIQUE features like:
– no CRC checking on mmc reads, for performance
– disabled some cpu throttling and «touch boosters» (more speed and less battery usage)
– Bandido governor, a battery-friendly governor
– BandSaver governor, a SUPER battery-friendly governor
– removed A LOT of unuseful kernel code
– «Fair scheduler» tweaks
– a lot of power saved when the screen is off
– USB fast charging
– latest GCC (compiler), 14
And some common features:
– add 200mhz GPU clock to save power
– GPU overclocked to 900mhz, stable
– GPU undervolt to save battery and keep it cool
– added every TCP congestion control algorithms
– added conservative and ondemand CPU governors
– KCAL support
Overall your phone will be snappier, and at the same time less battery hungry
Make a backup of your BOOT partition with TWRP just in case you want to go back to a slower experience lol
Tutorial sin root TWRP
Tutorial con Twrp
Desbloquear bootloader
Video metodo antiguo

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